Blues Scale For Guitar - How to Play Jaw Dropping Lead Guitar

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Blues Scale For Guitar - How to Play Jaw Dropping Lead Guitar

Cool blues guitar trick: Play a note not in the scale and bend or slide into the note that is in the scale. You will have to experiment with this one because not all outside notes will sound as pleasing as other's but this is a really cool sound that will instantly make you sound like a pro.







Here is a diagram of the Blues Scale for Guitar

How to use the Blues Scale for Guitar

The X's and O's represent the notes that make up the blues scale. The O's are the flatted fifth or 'blue' note. If you were to omit these notes from the pattern you would be left with the minor pentatonic scale.

First a little background on the blues scale for guitar. The blues scale is derived from the minor pentatonic scale. If you play a minor pentatonic and add one note (the flatted fifth) you get the blues scale. This added note is what gives the scale its sad, dark quality. In medieval times the flatted fifth was known as the 'The Devil's Note' and its use banned in some kingdom's. Today though people are more forgiving of this unusual tone and some actual prefer it. The blues scale can be found in almost al forms of music whether it be rock, jazz, blues, heavy metal, and other world music.

The scale pattern I have shown above can be played starting any fret of your guitar. It works well over minor chords, power chords and Dominant seventh chords. Practice the scale up and down until you memorize the notes well enough to do it without looking. Then try juggling them around to come up with your own licks.

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